About MarketingCamp

SHARE—LEARN —GROW with your peers and mentors

MarketingCamp San Francisco is a follow-on to the highly successful MarketingCamp Silicon Valley, a first-of-its-kind Unconference—a gathering of innovation-focused, marketing thought-leaders to dialogue and brainstorm the marketing topics, tools, trends, and technology that we all share as passions.


MarketingCamp is an Unconference: The agenda is participant-driven and exchange-focused. Topics of real concern, interest, and complexity—worth rolling out of bed on a Saturday morning to meet, discuss, explore, and innovate. This event is focused on the topics of interest to you—covering problems and opportunities to provide a framework of collaboration for diverse minds to drive further.

MarketingCamp will maximize the opportunities for all of us to Share, Learn and Grow.


Join other marketing geniuses, tech wizards, and product visionaries in a day of sharing best practices, success stories, battle scars, brilliant ideas and novel "how to" approaches to innovative marketing. Dialogue, debate, and brainstorm successful use of old and new marketing tools and applications alike.


Gain innovative marketing expertise—exchange insights, bounce ideas off fellow experts, discover emerging tools, and explore new techniques to squeeze more results from your marketing efforts.


Come Camping to expand your:

  • Skills - apply today’s marketing techniques
  • Knowledge - incorporate best practices Network - speak with “movers and shakers” in the field
  • Business - use the latest tools to grow your business

See you there!